Throughout the COVID-19 situation, Technology Unlimited remains here to serve you. Our staff is working remotely wherever possible and practicing social distancing and hygiene to assure they remain safe, but in emergencies we can respond onsite, as a designated essential business.
Our backup servers (if subscribed) and secure remote access continue to keep your data backed up and give us the ability to fix most issues without the need to go onsite. Remote scheduled Windows and network device maintenance can also assure your office systems remain functional and optimized while you work remotely.
All physical product orders are quarantined for 24+ hours to assure the packaging is safe if you need come to get them or if delivered by our staff.
We also have a few used PC’s with Windows 10 that can be purchased if you have a need for them, and we can still build PC’s, support networks and place new orders to Dell and other vendors.
Please give us a call if there is anything we can do to support your business or home business operations, and we look forward to a day when we can see each other in person once again. Stay safe. Stay home when possible. Thank you for your business!
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